The refurbishment

#fridayFotoFiction promptThe refurbished fort reeked of modernity and quiet elegance. Rittu looked at it in wonder. The transformation from an old crumbling facade to this temple of glass and stone had been dramatic. Her thoughts flew back to the olden days when she had frolicked undisturbed here with Chimpu. The lone watchman usually relaxed in his hut and couldn’t be bothered to come over and warn them off the premises.

Those had been the days!

She wondered what would happen now, which other place she could make her own. The bustle in the fort now and the chattering crowd that filled its hallways had already turned her off the place.

The noise and the constant chatter was unendurable to both her and her chicks. She needed to find a quieter place to build her nest!

Linking up with Tina and Mayuri for fridayfotofiction.


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